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Tour Marrakech in One Day: An Ode to Morocco

Tour Marrakech in One Day: An Ode to Morocco is local guide to everyone that want to  experience the best attractions in Marrakech: iconic sights, rich flavors, and cultural immersion. Explore the heart of Morocco in 24 hours !!

Morning: Tour Marrakech in One Day

    • Majestic Morning at the Koutoubia Mosque: Begin your tour  of Marrakech in one day  with a visit to the Koutoubia Mosque. A city’s largest and most iconic mosque. Admire its stunning minaret and take in the serene atmosphere.

      • Explore the Royal Palace: Stroll by the Royal Palace’s grand gates and gardens. While you can’t enter the palace itself, the architecture and intricate details of the gates are worth a visit.

        • Breakfast at a Local Café: Enjoy a traditional Moroccan breakfast at a local café. Savor mint tea, fresh orange juice, and Moroccan pastries like msemen or baghrir.

      Late Morning: Tour Marrakech in One Day

      • Medina Immersion: Dive into the heart of Marrakesh’s Medina. Meander through the labyrinthine streets, marvel at the vibrant souks, and let the aromas of spices and herbs enchant your senses.

      • Ben Youssef Madrasa: Explore the stunning Ben Youssef Madrasa. this historic Islamic college known for its intricate tilework and tranquil courtyards.

      Lunch Time :

      Lunch in a Riad: Savor a sumptuous Moroccan lunch in a traditional riad. Try tagine, couscous, or a hearty Moroccan salad in a charming courtyard setting.

      Lunch with a view Marrakech Congrats: tour marrakech in one day

      Afternoon: Tour Marrakech in One Day

      • Gardens and Tranquility: Take a stroll through the Menara Gardens. This place is known for its tranquil olive groves and the iconic Menara Pavilion, which overlooks a reflective pool.

      • Art and Culture at the Museum of Marrakesh: Visit the Museum of Marrakesh, housed in a beautifully restored palace. Explore the contemporary art exhibitions and learn more about Moroccan culture.

      • Hammam Experience: Pamper yourself with a traditional Moroccan hammam experience. also, choose from various spa options to relax and rejuvenate.


      Evening: Tour Marrakech in one day

      • Sunset at the Agdal Gardens: Head to the Agdal Gardens to enjoy a serene sunset surrounded by centuries-old olive trees.

      • Dinner at a Rooftop Restaurant: End your day with a rooftop dinner at a restaurant overlooking the city’s illuminated skyline. Savor Moroccan cuisine as you enjoy the romantic ambiance.

      • Jemaa el-Fnaa Night Market: Explore the Jemaa el-Fnaa square by night. The time when the atmosphere comes alive with street performers, storytellers, and food vendors. In addition, you can try local snacks and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of Marrakesh at night.


      Depending on your interests, you can adjust your schedule. you can also visit other attractions like the Saadian Tombs, and the Atlas Mountains. Moreover, you can go on a day trip to nearby destinations like the Ourika Valley. Marrakesh offers a rich tapestry of experiences, with something for everyone to enjoy.

      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Dear guests, before you go to Morocco. You may ask and looking for some information to help you during your tour in Morocco. Here are some information and instructions we think that are important to know.

      When is a good time to visit Morocco?

      You can travel to Morocco any time of the year. However, there are better and recommended periods to visit Morocco rather than any time else. Morocco is at its best in spring (mid-March to November) when the heat of summer has eased.

      At other times don’t underestimate the extremes of summer heat and winter, particularly in the high Atlas Mountains, where snowcapped peaks persist from November to July. If you are travelling in winter, head for South, although be prepared for bitterly cold nights. Morocco’s Mediterranean coast and Rif Mountains are frequently wet and cloudy in winter and early spring.

      Apart from the weather. It is the time of ‘Ramadan month’; the traditional month of fasting and purification, which is another important consideration. During Ramadan some restaurants cafes are closed during the day time and general business hours are reduced.

      What Languages are spoken in Morocco?

      There are number of languages in Morocco, but the two official languages that practiced in Morocco are: Modern standard Arabic and ‘Tamazight’ (Berber). The languages that used by Moroccan associations and administrations are: ‘Classical Arabic’ and ‘French’. Majority of Moroccans speak French language, due to the colonization. There are several Moroccans who speak Spanish as well, and educated people can speak English.

      What is Moroccan Currency? How much is 1 Euro (€) in Moroccan Money?

      ‘Moroccan Dirhams’ is the currency of Morocco. The plural form is pronounced darahim, although in French and English “dirhams” is commonly used. Its symbol is “MAD”. The dirham is issued by the Bank Al-Maghrib, the central bank of Morocco. 1 Euro = 10,70 MAD. You can change Euros in many and different places among Morocco country.

      Is it ok if I photograph people in Morocco?

      Moroccans are differs from one to another, some local people don’t like to be photographed. Whereas, some others it’s very normal to take picture to or with. So, it will be better to ask the person first to take him/her picture. Some people may ask you for fee if you want to take a photo, especially snake charmers, artists, and sellers in the street. Well, we recommend you to ask for permission before taking pictures to the people.

      Is the price of private tour same if I am alone, 2 or more?

      The Price for any of our private tours depends on number of persons who will take such a tour. The price gets lower if more people shared the tour.

      How to pay to confirm the tour?

      To confirm any tour with us, the deposit will be required to pay by PayPal or Western Union and the rest of the payment will be settled in cash during the trip. You can pay us either on Euros, USD or Moroccan Dirhams.

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      4 Responses

      1. I have been contemplating this trip for so long. Thanks for creating such a beautiful visual essays with the photos of all the things you can see and do in 24 hours. Love it!

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